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mint mark (幣面)刻印。

mint oil

“ the united states mint understands the importance of the inscriptions “ in god we trust “ and “ e pluribus unum “ as well as the mint mark and year on u . s . coinage 聲明說: “美國造幣廠明白“我們信奉上帝”和“合眾為一”與廠記和日期同等重要。我們對此十分重視。 ”

The coins , made by the philadelphia mint , were supposed to have the inscriptions “ in god we trust , “ e pluribus unum , “ the date and the mint mark around the edge 由費城制造的硬幣邊緣本應印有“我們信奉上帝” “合眾為一”日期和廠記。

The coins , made by the philadelphia mint , were supposed to have the inscriptions “ in god we trust , “ “ e pluribus unum , “ the date and the mint mark around the edge 由費城制造的硬幣邊緣本應印有“我們信奉上帝” 、 “合眾為一” 、日期和廠記。